The school year is rapidly coming to a close. Please find below some important dates to keep in mind for the last week of school. Staff specific dates are in red.
Friday, June 19th – DEVICE RETURN - All borrowed devices should be returned to the school. If you have not had time to return your device or plan to access the K-9 learning platform over the summer, please email Colleen to arrange to keep your device at [email protected]. Please note that you do not need an appointment to drop off your device.
Monday and Tuesday, June 22nd and June 23rd – LAST DAY OF SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS. Students that are attend will receive their report cards.
Tuesday, June 23rd – GRADE 6 BLANKETING CEREMONY - Join us from 5:00 – 6:30pm to honour the grade 6 students that are moving on to the next step in their lifelong journey. This gathering will be small (just teachers, families and close connections) and will be a blanketing ceremony hosted by the Aya7Ayulh Chet school family. PLEASE RSVP to Matthew or Kye as this is an optional gathering.
Wednesday, June 24th – REPORT CARD AND PERSONAL ITEM PICKUP - Please stop by between 10 – 12 or 1 – 3 to pick up your report cards and your personal items. You do not need an appointment J
Wednesday, June 24th – STAFF APPRECIATION LUNCH is generously being provided by the PAC will be held at 12:00 in the gym.
Thursday, June 25th – YEAR END STAFF MEETING will be held in the morning. The exact time is TBC.
Thursday, June 25th - We are keeping our fingers crossed that we are going to be able to go ahead with our staff party. Colleen is double checking with the SD and I will let you know on Monday. Details were emailed out earlier this week.
KINDERGARTEN ORIENTATION was held on Wednesday June 17th and was a great success. Our new little ones came in with their families to experience some time with Natalia enjoying fun activities in the classroom. They toured the school and played some games in the gym. An incredibly fun time was had by all!
As we near the end of the school year, I would like to take a moment to share with you the approach we will be taking for our student placement process for our Cultural Journeys classes.
Class placement is a thoughtful process that is not complete until early September when exact student numbers have been set. The placement process ensures that thoughtful consideration of each child’s social, emotional and academic needs is aligned with the need to create balanced and effective learning environments that honour student diversity.
It is important to note that the placement of each child to a class is made by a team that includes: the child’s current classroom teacher(s) as well as our Learning Specialist Teachers and school administrators. This professional team considers each placement carefully as they create groupings rich in diversity. In addition to individual circumstances, criteria considered in the placement process include:
- Balanced instructional groups that consider academic needs and strengths, teaching/learning styles and work habits.
- Positive social groups considering that we ensure supportive peer groupings, and positive leaders in each classroom.
Currently we are estimating that we will have 3 classes next year with Kindergarten, Gr. 1 and 2, Grade 2, 3, and 4 and a class with 4, 5 and 6 students. Information regarding the start of school in September will be forwarded to you in the coming weeks. If you have any questions regarding your child’s placement for September please do not hesitate to contact me at the school.
NEW 2020/2021 CALENDAR
Please note that the calendar for the 2020/2021 school year has changed slightly. Please find the updated calendars attached.
SQUAMISH PUBLIC LIBRARY SUMMER READING CLUB – The program has changed slightly this year. Please find information on the attached poster.
Colleen DeVeyrac
Acting Principal
Stawamus School