Friday Update


Another week has flown by!  The kids have been working outside, taking trips to the river, been on scavenger hunts and have been enjoying the beautiful weather.  At Stawamus School we embrace the 4 blankets of resilience:  Self, Family, Community and Connection with the Environment.  Being outside in the environment has so many beneficial outcomes for ourselves and our children, we want to make sure that we are taking advantage of the sunshine when we can. 

Did you know that the sun is so important for our health:  The sun’s UV rays help your body with Vitamin D which is important for your bones, blood cells, and immune system. It also helps you take in and use certain minerals, like calcium and phosphorus. While most people get enough vitamin D from food,  the sun is an excellent way to get the Vitamin D we need in our bodies.  Did you also know that children who are regularly in the sun, experience a boost in their mental capacity, and it also helps with get out and enjoy the sun as much as you can!!  (don’t forget the sunscreen). 

APRIL 26-30

COLLABORATION DAY EARLY DISMISSAL – Students will be dismissed at 12:00 noon on Wednesday, April 28th. Bussing will be provided with the exception of Britannia Beach.


CHANGES TO OUR BODIES, PUBERTY AND SEXUALITY AND GENDER SERIES for Ms. Lindsey/Ms. Kathleen’s class will take place on Friday, April 30th.

MAY 3-7

ABORIGINAL LEADERSHIP MEETING will be held on Wednesday, May 5th  from 3:00pm – 4:15pm. Bussing will be provided.

CHANGES TO OUR BODIES, PUBERTY AND SEXUALITY AND GENDER SERIES for Ms. Lindsey/Ms. Kathleen’s class will take place on Thursday, May 6th.

PRO D DAY will take place on Friday, May 7th. School is not in session.


SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL SURVEY - The District of Squamish is conducting a survey about safe routes to school. The survey is open until May 7th. The link to the parent survey is


The data collection is very important as it enables the DOS to see where they have had successes with the program and where work is still needed. It will help them to update the Best Routes to School maps as well as prioritize upcoming infrastructure projects.

VANCOUVER COASTAL HEALTH UPDATE is attached for your review.



Colleen DeVeyrac


St’a7mes School - Cultural Journeys & Learning Expeditions  
School District #48
